East Contra Costa cities, water districts and the County, known as the East Contra Costa (ECC) Groundwater Sustainability Working Group, have joined together to prepare a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP). The draft GSP will comply with recent laws that have changed the way Californians are required to manage their groundwater and will assist the region in maintaining a sustainable groundwater basin.

Please join us On-Line on June 23, 2021, 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Register Here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8897997274454333199

During this public meeting participants will:

  1. Learn what the new law (Sustainable Groundwater Management Act [SGMA] is and how it affects East Contra Costa;
  1. Receive an overview of what is in the draft GSP;
  2. Learn more about Key Topics, Technical Work, and Findings to Date;
  3. Discuss the potential for undesirable results (in the context of SGMA) that the GSP will work to prevent;
  4. Learn how to provide input on the draft GSP.

The workshop will include opportunities to ask questions and provide feedback on the discussion topics. Due to ongoing public health considerations this will be an on-line only meeting.

If you need any assistance participating in this meeting, contact facilitation-team@comcast.net to receive other options.

For additional information about SGMA, the draft ECC GSP, to provide more detailed comments, or to be included on the email list, please send us an email, groundwaterinfo@dcd.cccounty.us

“Planning a secure groundwater future”
