WATCH: Seed to Plate

WATCH: See the incredible journey of your food, from seed to plate and everywhere in between. In this video, you’ll get a first-hand glimpse at all of the work that goes into every plate of food, and a reminder of the importance of protecting reliable water deliveries for growers across California.

Byron­-Bethany Irrigation District, West Side Irrigation District Move One Step Closer to Merger

Tracy, CA (July 14, 2016) – In a move that sets the stage for two major Tracy­ area irrigation districts to join forces, leaders with the West Side Irrigation District (WSID) gave their official approval to merge with Byron­-Bethany Irrigation District (BBID). WSID’s Board of Directors voted 3-­1 in favor of the action at their board meeting Wednesday night.

WSID’s vote came after months of thoughtful discussion between the two districts carefully weighing the benefits a consolidation would bring customers, including stronger water resources and ongoing financial sustainability. A merger would result in the incorporation of WSID’s existing 6,000-­acre service area west of Tracy into the existing 30,000­-acre service area of BBID, establishing a single, 36,000­-acre district.

“We see the potential for better water reliability as one district,” said BBID GM Rick Gilmore. “Sharing resources can only help us serve our customers more effectively and efficiently.”

Over the last few months, an ad­-hoc committee comprised of members from both districts reviewed all aspects of a potential merger. The committee toured district facilities and poured over financial data. A public meeting seeking input from landowners in both districts found overwhelming support.

The matter now rests in the hands of BBID’s Board of Directors, set to take a vote at the District’s next board meeting. If BBID votes to merge with WSID, a district reorganization plan would be submitted to the San Joaquin County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) for final approval.

It would be the second merger BBID has successfully undertaken. In 2004, BBID merged with Plainview Water District.

Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors Vote Triggers Possible Detachment Process in Town of Discovery Bay

Byron, CA (November 17, 2015) – In a unanimous 5-0 decision, the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors voted to ask the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) in San Joaquin County to consider the detachment of portions of the Town of Discovery Bay from the Byron-Bethany Irrigation District (BBID). Currently, the property tax revenue paid by the affected residents of Discovery Bay helps ensure the future water supply of this growing residential community. The authorization of the application represents the beginning of a formal process that could jeopardize the needs of the community moving forward.

“We are absolutely puzzled by the Board’s premature action on this issue,” says BBID Board President Russell Kagehiro. “All interested parties are in the very early stages of the analysis of rates, services and impacts, and the relationship between the Town of Discovery Bay and BBID. Without further review of the future water supply needs of Discovery Bay, particularly in light of a historic drought, this authorization is irresponsible.”

In the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors’ consideration of the item, county staff was asked to prepare a series of documents needed for the Board to pursue detachment of the overlapping tax rate areas for water service between BBID and the Discovery Bay Community Services District. In the staff report made public on November 13th, that early examination clearly states that the true impacts are unknown. The document affirms the following:

The MSR [Municipal Service Review] also noted that further study is needed to fully analyze the service and fiscal implications of such a detachment to both the residents and BBID.

Among the unanswered questions are how the Town of Discovery Bay will receive water in the future and how current BBID customers’ water rates will be impacted if the district loses this tax revenue. Currently, the nearly $685,000 received annually by BBID through the property tax allocation contributes to the organization’s general fund and allows for the development and protection of future water supply as well as basic operations. While this tax revenue could be allocated to another service, Discovery Bay residents will not see a reduction in their property tax assessments as a result of any future LAFCO decision.

In further action during today’s meeting, the Board of Supervisors directed the County Administrator to explore allocation of the BBID property tax revenues from the overlap areas to the East Contra Costa Fire Protection District (ECCFPD), a decision that could blur current negotiations among the affected agencies. Earlier this month, the BBID Board of Directors directed staff to develop a proposal that would bring more than $1 million to ECCFPD over five years.

“We recognize that we need to help and we have a current offer on the table that would bring real relief, “ says BBID Board Member Larry Enos. “But we cannot do this on the backs of local farmers and ranchers. Our proposal balances the current need for fire services with the future need for a reliable water supply, without putting an already hard-hit agriculture community at greater risk”

LAFCO is the agency responsible for coordinating changes to local government boundaries, including annexations, consolidations and detachments. It is specifically charged by law with encouraging the orderly formation and development of all the governmental agencies within its jurisdiction.

“It is incumbent upon the LAFCO organizations in our region to study this issue completely before moving forward,” adds BBID Board Vice President Tim Maggiore. “Anything short of that is inconsistent with good governance and will only lead to fractured relationships.”